












依照第二十六条的规定, 行政协议约定仲裁条款的,人民法院应当确认该条款无效,但法律、行政法规或者我国缔结、参加的国际条约另有规定的除外。

The Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Administrative Agreement Cases were adopted by the 1781st Meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on November 12, 2019 and will come into force on January 1, 2020. 

In accordance with the provisions of Article 1, the administrative agreement stipulated in Article 12.1.12 of the Administrative Procedure Law is an agreement with rights and obligations in administrative law concluded by an administrative organ through consultation with citizens, legal persons or other organizations in order to achieve the objectives of administrative management or public service. 


Article 2 explicitly lists the following agreements: 


(1) Government concession agreements; 

(2) Land, housing and other expropriation compensation agreement; 

(3) Agreement on assignment of the right to use state-owned natural resources such as mining Rights; 

(4) Lease, sale and other agreements on government-invested affordable housing; 

(5) PPP Agreements as under Article 1; 

(6) Other administrative agreements. 


In accordance with the provisions of Article 26, if an arbitration clause is contained in an administrative agreement, the people's court shall confirm that the arbitration clause is invalid, except as otherwise provided by laws, administrative regulations or international treaties concluded or acceded to by China. (万邦小编翻译,仅供参考)
